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04 Apr 2014

Work Experience - Eva Jucikas

The work experience at Forty Hall was my first work experience abroad and I really enjoyed it. I looked forward to speaking English a lot and interacting with many native speakers. My placement at Forty Hall helped me to improve my English (especially speaking and understanding) skills.

When I got a placement there I was really excited how working in a stately home would look like because I was afraid that it could become boring, but it was not at all.

The first day I was introduced to Forty Hall and Estate with its exhibitions and shop as well as every member of staff. Therefore I felt welcome from the first day on.

One of my tasks at Forty Hall was welcoming visitors at the Front of House which was very challenging as I had to react very fast to their questions not to confuse the visitors and to measure up to their expectations of Forty Hall.

Another task was helping with educational sessions which was my favourite task because I love to work with children. They were 5 or 6 years old and very active. When they worked in groups, I was a group leader and had to keep them calm, support them as well as encourage the children to keep on exploring the environment inside and outside of Forty Hall.

I have overcome my fear that working in a stately home would be boring. There is always something to decorate, organize or prepare. The team is open-minded to everyone and there is no reason not to ask for help when needed. The voluntary work is a great chance to change one’s mind and appreciate things like voluntary work more than before.

Thank you to everyone for the chance to do my work experience at Forty Hall. I learned a lot about English history and the jobs at Forty Hall.

To conclude I definitely recommend a work experience placement at Forty Hall!

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