1373903221 8 Bibu D

15 Jul 2013

Work Experience Blog By Michael Leeman

During my time at Forty Hall I have learnt many new skills. Some skills that I learnt over the two weeks help me complete tasks that I could have found difficult without the help and guidance from the staff of Forty Hall.

I have enjoyed my stay helping the various members of this historic house and being in a team with other work experience applicants working together in order to overcome our challenges that we are given every day.

The tasks that I was given and enjoyed the most during my stay were:

  • Administration
  • Guided School Tours
  • Helping move Tables

The Following Skills that I learnt from my tasks was:

Communicating with others

How to work with Children at all different ages

How to work in a Team

Coming up with Ideas and sharing them with others

Learning a mixture of physical and mental skills

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