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08 Oct 2013

Death's Big Questions

Please Note This Is A Press Archive. This Took Place In October 2013.

Forty Hall is playing host to a thought provoking discussion about death and societies attitudes towards it on Wednesday 16 October.

The illustrated talk, which costs £8, and was organised by Enfield Council, with medical anthropologist Dr Natalie Tobert, will explore how attitudes on death have changed from the 17th century to the present day with emphasis on cultural and religious beliefs.

Cllr Bambos Charalambous, Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, Youth and Localism, said: “The Death Café movement is taking off all over the country. We tend to sweep death under the carpet, but it eventually happens to everyone. This discussion will give people the opportunity to come together to ask the questions they need to be answered.”

For more information visit: www.fortyhallestate.co.uk

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